How to get rid of eczema

Eczema is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the skin of different sizes on the surface which can see small bubbles of clear or blood mixed with liquid. Upon popping the bubbles are revealed erosive wet surfaces. Part of the bubbles dry and crust. If the disease a long time, can cover large areas of skin that seals. Usually accompanied by intense itching, which does not rest on the patient? This reflects poorly on its vitality and performance. The development of eczema have a big impact:

- Violations of the neuro-endocrine and immune system

- Metabolic processes and functional status of the gastrointestinal tract.

- Disbakteriozata and increased sensitivity to multiple allergens like pollen of flowering plants, house dust, animal fur.

- Household chemicals - detergent, detergents, etc..

- Stress, negative emotions, physical and mental overload, malnutrition exacerbates the disease. Therefore the treatment of patients suffering from eczema should be comprehensive, aimed at normalization of damaged processes.

In eczema of the patients are advised to comply with the regimen of work and rest, do not forget about the daily walks. But in the spring to avoid walking areas where there are many flowering plants. If you still had to be in a place where there are many pollen, and return home, you should rinse the mouth and throat with boiled water. To flush your nostrils with wet swabs to take a shower, to wear clean underwear to go vacuum your coat to avoid allergic reactions.

HARMFUL EFFECTS OF HOUSEHOLD DUST - can be avoided by systematically makes wet cleaning of the house. Carpets should be vacuumed, and the best they ever go away from home. In no event should not sleep on feather pillows. At home not birds and domestic animals, the fur of which may be active allergen for the patient.


If possible, should avoid contact with detergents, glue, paint, detergents, paints, creams for footwear and other items of household chemistry. If it is impossible to avoid these funds, it is best to put your hands cotton gloves and on them - even one - elastic / but not rubber. At the same time, the person should put his mask of gauze.

You should wash with neutral soap as a child and adults. Wash your hair with shampoos that contain no flavorings and colorings.

Garments of wool or synthetic materials only wear cotton.
AT of patients with eczema SHOULD NOT smoke. He himself should not work in businesses related to the production and use of chemicals.

In eczema possible AVOID stressful situations.
Of patients with eczema are recommended sedatives. Can be taken tincture of red peony - 1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day. Instead peony can be prepared infusion of devil mouth - 20-30 drops at night, to drink mint tea if you are allergic to it.

Better reflects a mixture of herbal valerian root, chamomile flowers to the roots of liquorice / licorice / colors of immortelle and yarrow. These herbs are mixed in equal amounts, then they take a spoonful and pour a cup of boiling water. Leave for 30-40 minutes. Drink half a cup twice daily.

Diet has an important place in treat eczema in the acute phase. Food the patient must be complete, with enough vitamins and trace elements. We should not use citrus fruits, strawberries, cocoa, chocolate, smoked food, porridge meal, spices, alcohol.

Vegetarian diet must include soups, porridge, oats, wheat, rice, boiled beef, boiled or baked potatoes, yogurt, sunflower oil, fresh cucumbers.

Cleansing the body of toxins is an important milestone in the treatment of eczema. Therefore it is very important to monitor your gut. The menu should appear beets and celery. Boiled beets cut into pieces or grate and mix with dill as a salad, seasoned with sunflower oil.

Celery is also used as a salad or juice, which take 1-2 teaspoons three times a day. These products help to cleanse the bowel of toxins and normalization of intestinal microflora.

FOR regulate metabolism RECOMMENDED Jerusalem artichokes. It contains many nutrients. Artichoke has antitoxic action and enhances immunity